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Clinical and Learning Rabbit Hole
Welcome to the rabbit hole, it is called this because there is ALOT on here. In our roles, ongoing learning is essential. Below are a few bits and pieces (haha sarcasm) to keep you going.
On Connecteam you will find:
Online Induction - Part 1
De Escalation 101
Risk 101
Child Protection 101
Medication Administration 101
Recovery Framework / Strengths Based Training
These trainings are essential, so before starting anything else please ensure you have finished these.
The links below are from the Centre of Clinical Interventions in Western Australia, They provide thorough evidence based information.
NZ Cert Mental Health & Addictions
Essential Learning
ADHD Overview
What is ADHD
Signs and Symptoms
Risk Factors
Tips #2
10 Point Observation List
Eating Disorders
Information About Eating
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: an Australian toolkit for parents, caregivers and families
FASD E-Learning
8 Magic Keys - Youtube Channel
FASD Clinical Presentation diagnosis and management
FASD Confabulation
FASD guide for parents
FASD identifying and meeting complex needs
FASD info for the person
FASD Paradigm shift
FASD Rethinking behaviour
FASD Support Worker Tips
FASD Transitions
FASD Zones of regulation
The FASD Success Show - Jeff Noble
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Personality Disorders
Conduct Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Self Harm
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